
Camping/outdoorsiness/hiking has hit a mainstream fever pitch (particularly in the Pacific Northwest). As I skim through Socality Barbie’s Instagram, laughing my ass off, I sometimes worry that I’m only into the outdoors because it’s popular. Then I remember that my parents met by working summers at Yellowstone National Park and know that I grew up in a very outdoorsy family with many hikes and camping trips under my belt from a young age – thus securing my “right” to the outdoors despite its popularity. Then, I realize I’m being a jerk who feels the need to validate their right to lay claim to something because she liked it “before it was cool, ” which is a much worse offense.

Total for September

Steps 18,395 // Distance in Miles 8.15 // Floors 54 // Duration in Hours 3:29

Total for the #52HikeChallenge

Steps 18,395 // Distance in Miles 8.15 // Floors 54 // Duration in Hours 3:29

Monday, September 21, 2015

Carkeek Park

Hikes Completed: 6 of 52
Carkeek Park
Steps 5,079 // Distance in Miles 2.22 // Floors 38 // Duration in Hours 00:52

Carkeek Park is one of the many gorgeous water-front parks in Seattle and the surrounding area filled with windy forested trails. On the particularly rainy morning set-aside to hike it, my date texted to offer to find a more dry activity, but I let him know I was totally game rain or shine.

When he texted me to let me know he had arrived, I had a sense we were in trouble (come to the door, dudes!) We drove the less than 7 miles from my home in North Seattle to the park with polite, minimal conversation. One thing I have had to work hard on in dating is not carrying the conversation. It’s really easy for me to do in general and often a part of my work-life to be a facilitator of meetings or be the most engaging person possible on stakeholder meetings. When it comes to conversations on dates, I try just not to force it.

Even though I run an adventuring group that sometimes throws me into long hikes or bike rides with friends of friends I’ve never met (so thus I’m used to hiking with relative strangers), for dates (*especially the first few* I tend to stay away from anything that doesn't have the built-in escape of a check arriving or me having my own car on hand). No thank you to any road trips and I’ll pass on any first-date hikes.

Luckily, by the time we had found the trailhead he wanted to take, the conversation had become a little more relaxed. Then we began quickly climbing up trail and conversation ceased in favor of heavy breathing until we got to a less intense incline.

I told him about the 52 Hike Challenge and we talked about our family’s respective cancer histories, how much time we got off a year for work, and the water treatment plant nearby. The hike was nice, short (I had a wedding to attend later that day), and cool (weather wise). The conversation was reasonable and afterward we walked down to the beach to take in the view of the Sound.

I have a lot of great memories at Carkeek Park. It’s really beautiful, especially at sunset, and is a nice short drive from my house. It also has a big slide on the playground that is shaped like a salmon. Growing up in Arizona, I remember one of our park slides was a giant Gila Monster. The inevitability of those two slides being constructed kind of makes me giggle.

Talapus & Ollalie Lakes
Steps 15,811 // Distance in Miles 6.90 // Floors 128 // Duration in Hours 3:05

For this hike, my hiking partners were my friends Katherine and Mallory. At some point, the friends I used to go dancing with turned into the friends I go hiking with – and I’ll admit it’s kind of great (no offense of course to a good night out).

Mallory has a great book of Washington hikes and I’m always impressed with her ability to pick out a day or half-day trip the “old fashioned” way. We found our way to the alpine lakes along with Titan, Katherine’s boyfriend’s adorable (and quite protective) dog.

Toro County Park
Steps 8,798 // Distance in Miles 3.84 // Floors 70 // Duration in Hours 1:33

Ok, I’ll admit it – I forgot what it was like to hike in the heat. Last weekend I was in Salinas, CA visiting my good friends Amber and Robin. It was kind of a perfect weekend: active, wine, laughter, talking about feminism, In-N-Out – all the good things!

Amber and I grew up together in Phoenix – our families being close friends – and there’s something I love very much about us, and our families, being still friends today. Amber and her husband Robin live in Salinas and lead a pretty badass life. They welcomed me into their awesome home for a packed weekend and took phenomenal care of me (Thank you, Amber & Robin!).

On my first morning there we set out to hike Toro County Park. As we hiked/stopped along the way because holy shit it was hotter than I was used to! – Robin pointed out different pieces of Salinas history along the horizon. After just a few hours of exploring with these two, I added East of Eden to my Goodreads list, and had visited Steinbeck’s grave.

It was fun to hike in the desert and a stark contrast to my previous weekend’s hike in the lush fall of the Pacific Northwest.

The Pinnacles National Park
Steps 10,863 // Distance in Miles 4.74 // Floors 122 // Duration in Hours 2:59

“For an hour you will hate your life, and then it will be worth it,” Amber had promised multiple times before we set out on our second hike of the day: a sunset and then night hike to the top of the Pinnacles.

The Pinnacles were gorgeous even from afar, and I could hardly believe Robin when he said: “Christina, in an hour you’re going to be sitting on one of those peaks.”

After an afternoon of wine tasting along River Road, we met two more of their friends in the parking lot near the trailhead and set out on another dusty hike.

It totally was worth it, and I absolutely had a couple moments of hating my life on the way up. At one point, I ran ahead of everyone just because I had to feel like I had had a victory against one of the seemingly endless switchbacks the trail provided.

Once at the top, we opened a bottle of wine and all took pulls as we told stories, marveled at the incredible brightness of the moon (it was the night before the Super Blood Moon), and Robin took some incredible night shots that made it look as if we all were perched on a piece of Mars somewhere.

The hike down was filled with talking about Star Wars that once at the car, transitioned into a great conversation about survivalism and zombies as we wound our way toward In-N-Out, passing wildlife in the dark en route.

Past Hikes


Total for September
Steps 18,395 // Distance in Miles 8.15 // Floors 54 // Duration in Hours 3:29

Total for the #52HikeChallenge
Steps 18,395 // Distance in Miles 8.15 // Floors 54 // Duration in Hours 3:29

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